
Super Tongue


Super Tongue, meticulously designed by iSenso Group, represents the pinnacle of Electronic Tongue (E-Tongue) technology, seamlessly integrating innovative features and design principles that transcend traditional analytical instrumentation. At its core, an E-Tongue serves as a sophisticated analytical instrument equipped with a chemical sensor array, demonstrating nuanced sensitivity to a myriad of components within a given solution.

What sets Super Tongue apart is its profound emulation of biological recognition, akin to the intricate processes observed in the human tongue. This emulation is achieved through the strategic implementation of arrays comprising non-specific sensors. These sensors act as intelligent receptors, adept at capturing a rich tapestry of information from the sample under analysis. It’s not merely a technological replication; rather, it’s a clever adaptation of the nuanced processes found in nature.

The gathered data, akin to the taste information collected by the human tongue, undergoes a transformative journey through sophisticated chemometric methods and advanced artificial intelligence algorithms.

This intricate processing isn’t just about analysis; it’s a form of cognitive computing that enables Super Tongue to discriminate, identify, and quantify the subtlest nuances within the sample.

As a technological marvel, Super Tongue redefines sensor technology. It’s not just a tool; it’s a paradigm shift that marries the precision of scientific instrumentation with the intricacies of biological recognition. In doing so, it unveils new dimensions in analytical capabilities, offering insights that surpass the confines of conventional methods.

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Super Tongue isn’t just an instrument; it’s a testament to the boundless possibilities when advanced technology and nature-inspired design converge.

Features & BENEFITS

  • Innovative Sensor Technology: Super Tongue integrates an avant-garde silicon-based interdigitated electrode (IDE) array enriched with nanostructured materials, inducing dynamic changes in electrical properties for unparalleled precision in detecting biomolecules and chemical compounds.
  • Comprehensive Detection Capabilities: Utilizing an array of low-specificity sensors, Super Tongue generates distinctive electrical signals tailored to detected molecules, expanding the detection scope for enhanced adaptability and versatility. It efficiently identifies a diverse range of components, including amino acids, DNA, minerals, salts, and dissolved organic volatiles in both gas and liquid, overcoming prevailing technological limitations. The sensor array encompasses various types, ranging from electrochemical (potentiometric, amperometric, voltammetric, impedimetric, conductometric) to gravimetric and optical (absorbance, luminescence, reflectance, etc.). The synergistic integration of selective and cross-sensitive sensors optimizes data richness and diversity for precise analysis, positioning Super Tongue as a potential tool for addressing diverse biomedical challenges and showcasing versatility in critical applications.
  • Efficient Quantitative and Qualitative Fast Assessments: Super Tongue facilitates exhaustive evaluations of multicomponent solutions, providing swift and reliable results, particularly advantageous in scenarios where human expert panels prove impractical, such as automatic process control on an industrial scale. It employs a minimal number of chemical or physical tests for rapid detection, ensuring specificity and precise results in a cost-effective manner.
  • Sophisticated Liquid Sample Analysis: Providing an advanced solution for analyzing liquid samples, Super Tongue delivers in-depth insights into complex liquid compositions, addressing the challenges posed by intricate sample matrices.
  • Seamless Integration with E-Nose Technology: Super Tongue effortlessly incorporates advanced E-Nose technology and electronics, expanding overall capabilities beyond traditional applications and offering a compact and efficient analytical solution.
  • Safety in Extreme Conditions: Designed for scenarios involving poisonous or extreme condition samples, Super Tongue guarantees safety in automatic process control on an industrial scale, providing reliable results in challenging environments.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Supporting real-time monitoring of imperceptible compounds, this instrument enables continuous 24/7 operation, presenting distinctive response patterns for comprehensive monitoring.
  • On-Site Testing: Tailored for portability, Super Tongue facilitates on-site testing, diminishing the need for extensive laboratory experiments, enhancing practicality and accessibility.
  • Dynamic Signal Considerations: Recognizing the significance of dynamic components, Super Tongue, when operating in automated flow systems, provides kinetic information about the sample. Dynamic measurements enhance modeling accuracy and reduce the influence of interferents.
  • Quality Over Quantity: While Super Tongue can accommodate multiple sensors, the emphasis is on careful sensor selection and thorough data analysis. A balanced approach ensures precision, stability, and effective separation of clusters, avoiding overfitting issues and maintaining the integrity of the developed models.

Why do you need one?

Super Tongue, merging groundbreaking features and nature-inspired design goes beyond a conventional scientific tool. It intricately mimics biological processes, employing multiple nonspecific sensors for a rich analysis experience. With transformative data processing and a blend of trendsetting technologies, it does not only redefine sensor technology but it introduces a paradigm shift, unlocking boundless possibilities in analytical capabilities that surpass the ordinary. Extreme precision, adaptability, and safety in a single instrument, unveiling a new era in analytical exploration.

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